
‘Responding to global events’ with resilience and revival


Size: 26,370 sq ft
Location: Brookfield Place



Create the workplace and tools for a new age of worker. We were challenged with evolving the initial design and forging ahead into the globally changing workplace. One goal was to impact the Calgary tech scene. Another was to highlight the existing movement and views of the streetscape.



High performance space. We demonstrate a transformation from the shadowy depths of the elevator lobby to the bright modernism in the functional spaces. New age tech workers thrive with the use of acoustic treatments, natural light, participation spaces and technology-driven meeting spots.



Social connectedness. Local artists were commissioned for one-of-a-kind murals, woodwork, tapestries and canvases to populate with vibrant displays of human ingenuity. A prosperous café-bar, which is backed by beautiful street textures, embraces a vision of a social future where all can come together. “Wow. You and your team did an amazing job. Probably the most unique and awesome office space in Calgary. Everyone at Unity is amazed” Client Comment



Check out this link to see this project came to life